International network
for contemporary
performing arts

Réseau international
pour les arts du spectacle

Rete internazionale
per le arti performative


Internationales Netzwerk
für zeitgenössische
darstellende Künste

Международная сеть современного 

Red internacional
para las artes escénicas

Internationaal netwerk
voor hedendaagse

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Rede internacional
para as artes performativas

الشبكة الدولية
لفنون الأداء

í sviðslistum

Xarxa internacional
d'arts escèniques

Rhwydwaith rhyngwladol
ar gyfer celfyddydau
perfformio cyfoes

Rrjeti ndërkombëtar
për artet skenike

Διεθνές δίκτυο
για σύγχρονες
παραστατικές τέχνες

Međunarodna mreža 
za savremene 
scenske umjetnosti

Mezinárodní síť 
pro současné 
divadelní umění

International netværk
for kontemporær

Internasionale netwerk
vir kontemporêre
uitvoerende kunste

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Nemzetközi hálózat
a kortárs


líonra idirnáisiúnta
na taibhealaíona

Starptautiskais tīkls
skatuves mākslai

Netwerk internazzjonali
għall-arti performattivi

Międzynarodowa sieć
na rzecz współczesnych sztuk

Internationellt nätverk
för samtida

Međunarodna mreža
savremenih izvođačkih

Международна мрежа
за съвременни
сценични изкуства

Rrjet ndërkombëtar
për arte skenike

Міжнародная сетка
перфарматыўных мастацтваў

Međunarodna mreža
za suvremene
izvedbene umjetnosti


kaasaegsete etenduskunstide

현대 공연 예술을 위한 국제 네트워크

Tarptautinis tinklas
scenos menai

Интернационална мрежа
за современа
изведувачка уметност

شبکۀ بین المللی
برای هنرهای نمایشی معاصر

Rețeaua internațională
pentru artele spectacolului

Medzinárodná sieť
pre súčasné
scénické umenie

gösteri sanatları için
uluslararası iletişim ağı

Campus 2023
10 - 16.05.2023
Wed 10.05

Welcome to the IETM Campus

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

The IETM Campus will kick off with a welcome reception followed by a joint dinner, paid for by the organisers, where participants will have a first opportunity to get to know each other.

HostsÁsa Richardsdóttir, Velia Papa, Alessia Ercoli and Cristina Carlini

Thu 11.05

Morning reflection

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

A daily space to check in with each other, revisit your intentions for the week and share any questions you may have with the group.


The Campus days ahead

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

An introduction to the Campus and each other with a joint overview of the programme for the next few days, and the joint creation of our 2023 Campus Safer Space guidelines.

Facilitators: Ása Richardsdóttir, Jo Mangan, Emma Jayne Park and Sedina Fiati


Introduction of the Campus partners and the local community

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

A short introduction of IETM and presentation of the performing arts landscape of the Marche Teatro, Villa Nappi region, followed by introduction of the local team.

Facilitators: Velia Papa and Ása Richardsdóttir


Who am I today?

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

Inspired by her own background as an artist, curator, producer and activist, the group will work with Jo Mangan to examine the silos in which they are often asked to place themselves. This will be the kick off point for a series of exercises and conversations that will guide the participants to a deeper understanding of their own practice and how it relates to the broader arts ecology.

The session is designed to break down the reality of the portfolio of an arts career, and look at the importance for artists to take the creativity of the rehearsal room into all aspects of their work. This in-depth session will take the participants on a path to explore how they can create meaning and forge direction in a seemingly never-ending hustle of funding applications, pitching, and networking. The focus will be on identifying opportunities masquerading as insurmountable problems.

Tutor: Jo Mangan

Fri 12.05

Morning reflection

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

A daily space to check in with each other, revisit your intentions for the week and share any questions you may have with the group.


Presenting and sharing your work

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

How many times have you introduced yourself and your work? 

How do you feel about doing this? 

Are you ready to do it again, and again, and again? Because you’re probably going to have to!

This session will explore how we use our knowledge on everyday interactions to create formats for sharing that better reflect our work, our values and ourselves - ultimately leading to deeper connections that have more potential to survive an ever changing world.

An interactive provocation in facilitation that focuses on rejecting how we think we are meant to behave, using our instincts as a starting point and making sure our interactions have purpose for ourselves and others. This work is an extension of Emma’s physical practice which seeks to ensure our actions align with our words and expose the myth of professionalism as a tool for gate keeping and power hoarding.

Tutor: Emma Jayne Park


Presenting ourselves I

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

The first of three sessions designed to give participants an opportunity to share about themselves, their work and their dreams. Everyone will be able to share about their practice in a way that works best for them. This could range from the classic 5 min show and tell to smaller group conversations or sharing work. 


Climate, a crisis of culture

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

A conversation about the state of the planet and how culture is at the heart of the climate crisis. This first session will give participants an overview of the big picture, the roots of climate change, and explore the key concepts that are framing our understanding of the biggest challenge we have to face.

Tutor: Thiago Jesus (online)


Presenting ourselves II

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

The second of three sessions designed to give participants an opportunity to share about themselves, their work and their dreams. Everyone will be able to share about their practice in a way that works best for them. This could range from the classic 5 min show and tell to smaller group conversations or sharing work.

Sat 13.05

Morning reflection

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

A daily space to check in with each other, revisit your intentions for the week and share any questions you may have with the group.


Visit of Teatro delle Muse

Location: Teatro delle Muse

Location: Teatro delle Muse

Our first stop will be at Teatro delle Muse, a historical building and the main headquarters of Marche Teatro, where our local partner produces and programmes theatre, dance, performances and opera.


Visit of Museo Omero

Location: Museo Omero

Location: Museo Omero

The day will continue with a visit to a very peculiar museum, Tactil Museo Omero, one of the first and biggest multisensorial and accessible exhibitions in Italy. After an introduction in English, we will lose ourselves in this experience of art and touch.

Sun 14.05

Morning reflection

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

A daily space to check in with each other, revisit your intentions for the week and share any questions you may have with the group.


Presenting ourselves III

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

The final of three sessions designed to give participants an opportunity to share about themselves, their work and their dreams. Everyone will be able to share about their practice in a way that works best for them. This could range from the classic 5 min show and tell to smaller group conversations or sharing work.


Climate for a new culture

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

This second session on climate will present ways in which the cultural sector is engaging with the climate crisis globally, with a series of examples and case studies to inspire new ideas. Participants will be invited to work in groups to bring their voices, ideas, and commitments to future directions.

Tutor: Thiago Jesus (online)



My business notebook - Knowing the international sector and your way around it

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

We are used to our local and national contexts. We know how the system works, who the key players are and which programmes can fund our activities. When moving to the international arena, are we aware of what is around us, or do we feel sometimes lost in translation?

This session will give you an overview of networks, public and private organisations and main funding programmes that you can access once working in the international field, with the aim of filling some gaps and giving you more confidence in playing around. 

Facilitator: Cristina Carlini

Mon 15.05

Morning reflection

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

A daily space to check in with each other, revisit your intentions for the week and share any questions you may have with the group.


Living our values through our work

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

Let’s talk about values. What is important to you as an artist, producer or cultural professional? What are the principles that will guide your decision making and self evaluation? 

From budgeting, choosing collaborators and negotiating with presenters and venues…values are the foundation of our work. Let’s explore how our choices can reflect who we really want to be.

Tutor: Sedina Fiati


Tutors Confessions

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

Is there anything you want to ask the Campus Tutors but you haven’t had a chance yet?

This session is your moment to ask the tutors any questions that are buzzing in your mind.  

Tutors: Jo Mangan, Emma Jayne Park, Sedina Fiati and Cristina Carlini


Wrap up - What now, and where do we go from here?

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

What have we learned and shared? What have we experienced so far? And what would we still like to develop further? The Campus closing session will be a joint and participative  conversation on how to use and share the Campus experience. 

Tutors: Jo Mangan, Emma Jayne Park, Sedina Fiati and Cristina Carlini

Tue 16.05

Morning reflection

Location: Villa Nappi

Location: Villa Nappi

A daily space to check in with each other, revisit your intentions for the week and share any questions you may have with the group.