01 - 02.10.2020

IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana

The local Plenary meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will be hosted by our member Glej Theatre in collaboration with the Slovenian Theatre Institute. Please find below the introduction by the local host, as well as the local programme and practical information to help you plan your stay in Ljubljana.


Introduction by the local host

Glej Theatre is Slovenia’s oldest independent theatre. Founded back in 1970, this experimental venue and production house has been led through the decades by young theatre creators, many of whom are Slovenia’s most well known theatre practitioners today: among others Dušan Jovanović, Janez Pipan, Eduard Miller, Nevenka Koprivšek, Matjaž Pograjc, Bojan Jablanovec, Tomi Janežič, Sebastijan Horvat, Diego DeBrea, Jure Novak, Marko (Mare) Bulc, etc.

This gathering in partnership with IETM is also part of the celebration of the 50-year anniversary of Glej Theatre and is co-organised by the Slovenian Theatre Institute.

Registrations for this physical local meeting closed on 30 September. You can still join their live-streamed sessions in the full online programme.

Maximum capacity: 22 participants



Both the online and on-site programme of the local meeting in Ljubljana prepared by the local hosts will include the participation in the main IETM online programme (marked as working sessions on the page), to which all the locations of the Multi-location Plenary will simultaneously connect on 1 and 2 October.

To connect to the sessions below that will also be live-streamed or held online, please click on the title of the session and you'll be redirected to the session page, where the link to connect is displayed.

CEST: Central European Summer Time (local time in Ljubljana)

Thursday, 1 October

14:00 CEST

Culture in the public space during and after the crisis
PLAN B cycle is a Slovenian initiative dedicated to the cultural policies of European cities in the context of the on-going crisis. This session will focus on the relation between culture and space. In order to bring culture back to people, what's the future of public spaces?

The debate organised by MOTOVILA Institute in cooperation with the City of Ljubljana will host representatives of municipalities and cultural practitioners from different European cities, and will be moderated by a renowned international expert on cultural policies and the development of creative cities, Ragnar Siil.

Note that this online session requires an additional external registration, which you can access by clicking the button below.

Register now for this online session

Venue: Online

15:45 CEST

Collective participation in the main IETM online programme:

What matters now? Plenary discussion
The theme of the Multi-location Plenary Meeting will allow us to speak out on what truly matters in the different context in which we now evolve. A series of short addresses from speakers with versatile backgrounds will trigger live and online, local and international discussions.

Venue: Gledalisce Glej (and online)

20:55 CEST


Farmer Train Swirl - Étude by Cassiel Gaube
This work springs from the desire to develop a dance performance within the habitat of an already existing dance style, taking the exploration of its intrinsic complexity as the departure point for the elaboration of a choreographic object. Farmer Train Swirl - Étude is a kinesthetic and subjective investigation of the field of House dance - a style born in the clubs of Chicago & New York in the early eighties.

Set and Reset/Reset by Trisha Brown Dance Company
In Set and Reset/Reset, Kathleen Fisher, one of the key members of the Trisha Brown Dance Company, draws from the original work and encourages the dancers of EN-KNAP Group to follow a similar method that Trisha Brown used to create the original work. The goal is to develop a new dance without losing the underlying principles of this iconic 80’s masterpiece. Once dancers are familiar with the dance material, the group uses the same set of rules that Brown gave her company to generate the choreography.  

Price: 12€ (8€ for students, unemployed and retired people). The performance is free for people with disabilities. Tickets can be purchased on the spot.

Venue: Španski borci

Friday, 2 October

11:00 CEST

Collective participation in the main IETM online programme:

IETM Pitchorama
This brand new session will showcase a series of 6 projects pitched by IETM members in 5-minute videos before leaving room for questions and feedback from participants.

Venue: Gledalisce Glej (and online)

15:00 CEST

Collective participation in the main IETM online programme:

IETM info cell
An hour of valuable information on IETM: overview of the current and upcoming activities and projects, update on the recent and forthcoming policy and advocacy work, and introduction to the different working groups of IETM.

Venue: Gledalisce Glej (and online)

17:30 CEST

Challenges of socially engaged theatre
Our discussion will start from the premise that every public statement already holds a political stand. And so does theatre. We wish to address the horizons of such political notions. 

How does contemporary theatre reflect the reality around us? Is it enough to merely represent political topics on the stage, or has the time come to fundamentally change the conditions of production and challenge power relations within the creative processes? On which grounds do we create relations with our audiences? Should our reflection on conditions of production already include a vision about involving audiences in the process and thus offer them a platform for the emancipation of their own position? How can we go beyond the notion of us and them, of us performing and then passively receiving in order to come closer to a more equal and community based process? Where is the space for democracy in theatre, especially if wish to overcome the economic transitions of some paying to watch and others being paid to perform? 

How can we deepen the perspectives and reflections of our work? How can we change the world with theatre?
Panelists, all longtime theatre workers, will offer their interesting insight into the perspectives and limitations of politics in theatre.

The physical discussion in Gledalisce Glej will be held in English and will be live-streamed as part of IETM Multi-location in Ljubljana. We will arrange simultaneous translation in Slovene.

Venue: Gledalisce Glej (and online)

20:55 CEST


Farmer Train Swirl - Étude by Cassiel Gaube
This work springs from the desire to develop a dance performance within the habitat of an already existing dance style, taking the exploration of its intrinsic complexity as the departure point for the elaboration of a choreographic object. Farmer Train Swirl - Étude is a kinesthetic and subjective investigation of the field of House dance - a style born in the clubs of Chicago & New York in the early eighties.

Set and Reset/Reset by Trisha Brown Dance Company
In Set and Reset/Reset, Kathleen Fisher, one of the key members of the Trisha Brown Dance Company, draws from the original work and encourages the dancers of EN-KNAP Group to follow a similar method that Trisha Brown used to create the original work. The goal is to develop a new dance without losing the underlying principles of this iconic 80’s masterpiece. Once dancers are familiar with the dance material, the group uses the same set of rules that Brown gave her company to generate the choreography.  

Price: 12€ (8€ for students, unemployed and retired people). The performance is free for people with disabilities. Tickets can be purchased on the spot.

Venue: Španski borci


Performance: Not Dead by Western (Glej Theatre)
Violence equals law. Weapons equal law. Racism is written deep into the system. Human life is cheap. Women are a commodity. Gender is normative. Alcohol runs like water. Money equals success. Love is forbidden.

Set in a faraway place in a faraway time, which could be here and now. The performance draws from the narrative of a classical western into a theatre space, highlighting the human struggles against the system, exploring who are the sheriffs of The Wild West of the 21st century, challenging the notions of gender roles, diving into the notions of oppression, the values of society and the worth of a human life. 

The performance is in Slovene.

Price: 10 € (7 € for students, unemployed and retired people). Tickets available online at or an hour before the performance at the front.

Venue: Gledalisce Glej

For any question regarding the programme of the local meeting in Ljubljana, please contact Barbara Poček at [email protected].


Covid-19 regulations

Before booking your travel please check the travel regulations of your destination. Please make sure to also check here the list of countries whose citizens can get into Slovenia without restrictions.

Please be aware that local Covid-19 regulations may affect your journey as well as the local meeting itself until the very last minute. For the latest information about the situation in Slovenia, please check the official governmental information here. Note that hand sanitation and face masks or scarves are still obligatory in indoor public spaces, as well as on public transport.



Please check the local programme above to know which sessions will be hosted in the venues below.

Gledalisce Glej

Gregorčičeva 3
Ljubljana, 1000

The way from the entrance to the Glej Hall is step free. The venue does not have accessible toilets. The closest public toilet is 4 minutes away on Hribarjevo nabrežje. You can find directions here.

The sessions sound will be amplified to generate automatic live captions if requested in advance.

If you wish to contact the venue directly regarding accessibility, please do so by writing to [email protected].

Španski borci

Zaloška cesta 61
1110 Ljubljana
Velika dvorana (Great hall)

Velika dvorana is located on the ground floor of the building. Access from the main entrance or parking lot in front of the building. Wheelchair access is also available.

If you wish to contact the venue directly regarding accessibility do so here.



In the city

Apart from the paved streets in the city centre, Ljubljana is said to be a wheelchair friendly city. Public toilets are adapted to wheelchair users, most public buses are equipped with ramps and most taxi services have adapted available vehicles.

Bus stops also include braille maps and cross roads are equipped with beeping sounds.

To find out more about the accessibility of the city we recommend the official website of Visit Ljubljana as well as Ljubljana by wheelchair, dedicated to mobility.

At the meeting

It is our aim to make IETM meetings as accessible as possible. However, it may not be possible to offer services at every location and, therefore, we recommend that you check the accessibility conditions of the location of your interest.

In order to meet the needs as much as possible, we collect your access requirements when you create your account and register for the meeting. Regarding speech-to-text captioning, we can only guarantee captions for the main IETM online programme (marked as working sessions on the page). As stated before, the sessions sound in Gledalisce Glej will be amplified to generate automatic live captions, if requested in advance.

If you have any questions regarding the overall accessibility of the local meeting in Ljubljana, you are welcome to write to our Production Officer at [email protected].



By plane

There are a number of bus lines and shuttle services connecting Ljubljana’s airport and the city centre. You will find more information here.

There are shuttle services you can book at the arrivals hall upon exiting.

By bus or by train

Ljubljana's main railway and bus stations are located in the city centre. Ljubljana has a number of international bus and railway connections. Flixbus connects Ljubljana to many of the cities in neighbouring countries.

Ljubljana bus station
Trg Osvobodilne fronte 4
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Click here for more information about international connections.

Ljubljana railway station
Trg Osvobodilne fronte 7
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Click here for more information about international connections.

Public transport

Ljubljana’s bus lines are the city’s main type of public transport. Almost all buses in Ljubljana have ramps.

You can find out more about Ljubljana’s public transport system here.

Getting around

Walking and cycling are also an alternative. Glej is 20 min walking from the train station and 10 min by bike. There are also city bikes available here.



Accommodation establishments with more than 30 rooms have reopened.


Eating out                 

Restaurants have reopened but with social distancing measures.



For any question regarding the local meeting in Ljubljana, please contact Barbara Poček at [email protected].

Image in banner: © Bram van Geerenstein