International network
for contemporary
performing arts

Réseau international
pour les arts du spectacle

Rete internazionale
per le arti performative


Internationales Netzwerk
für zeitgenössische
darstellende Künste

Международная сеть современного 

Red internacional
para las artes escénicas

Internationaal netwerk
voor hedendaagse

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Rede internacional
para as artes performativas

الشبكة الدولية
لفنون الأداء

í sviðslistum

Xarxa internacional
d'arts escèniques

Rhwydwaith rhyngwladol
ar gyfer celfyddydau
perfformio cyfoes

Rrjeti ndërkombëtar
për artet skenike

Διεθνές δίκτυο
για σύγχρονες
παραστατικές τέχνες

Međunarodna mreža 
za savremene 
scenske umjetnosti

Mezinárodní síť 
pro současné 
divadelní umění

International netværk
for kontemporær

Internasionale netwerk
vir kontemporêre
uitvoerende kunste

თანამედროვე საშემსრულებლო
საერთაშორისო ქსელი

Nemzetközi hálózat
a kortárs


líonra idirnáisiúnta
na taibhealaíona

Starptautiskais tīkls
skatuves mākslai

Netwerk internazzjonali
għall-arti performattivi

Międzynarodowa sieć
na rzecz współczesnych sztuk

Internationellt nätverk
för samtida

Međunarodna mreža
savremenih izvođačkih

Международна мрежа
за съвременни
сценични изкуства

Rrjet ndërkombëtar
për arte skenike

Міжнародная сетка
перфарматыўных мастацтваў

Međunarodna mreža
za suvremene
izvedbene umjetnosti


kaasaegsete etenduskunstide

현대 공연 예술을 위한 국제 네트워크

Tarptautinis tinklas
scenos menai

Интернационална мрежа
за современа
изведувачка уметност

شبکۀ بین المللی
برای هنرهای نمایشی معاصر

Rețeaua internațională
pentru artele spectacolului

Medzinárodná sieť
pre súčasné
scénické umenie

gösteri sanatları için
uluslararası iletişim ağı

Credits: Andrew Ridley

The Participatory and Immersive Creation group (PIC) aims to provide a space for IETM members to tackle central issues we have in creating, presenting and producing this genre of work, through open discussions, experience sharing, and creative exchanges.

PIC hosted an online session on September 27, 2021 from 16:00 to 18:00 CEST focusing on Immersive and Participatory writing: How can we write as/for/about embodied experiences?

The meeting was be led by Henny Dörr, joined by the research group Beyond Free Writing. The group collectively develops writing strategies that do away with some pertaining myths about writing. The writing strategies can be explored in exercises and explored as an integral part of the creative making process. There is a strong focus on performativity, collaboration and experience.

In the session, experiences with writing as part of our immersive and participatory creations were shared, but the main part consisted of a practical exploration of writing strategies.

Facilitator: Henny Dörr

Henny was joined by the artistic research group Beyond Free Writing (more info below).

More about the moderator and Beyond Free Writing representatives

Henny Dörr
Former Course Director of the Ba Theatre Design and the MA Scenography at HKU, Henny works as researcher in the Professorship of Performative Creative Processes. Henny graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 1986 on a ‘practice-based research project avant la lettre’, on the relation between movement and music in both thesis and performance (interrelated). After her graduation she combined a practice as dramaturg/advisor with teaching in several institutes in Higher Arts Education. Meanwhile she specialised in site-specific (location) theatre within and without festivals, in scenography and worked as an advisor for different groups and committees. Between 1992 and 2001, she developed the new bachelor course Design for Virtual Theatre and Games at HKU Theater (now: Interactive Performance Design), and she led a European Masters of Arts in Scenography in Utrecht. Within the area of Scenography, she has a large international experience and network, having worked with schools and professionals from all over the world: Helsinki, Sevilla, Prague, Barcelona, Madrid, London, Berlin, Giessen, Hong Kong, Macau, India, Canada, USA. As core member of the Professorship of Performative Creative Processes at HKU in Utrecht her research interest lies making processes/creative design in the theatre, with a focus on co-creation.

Nirav Christophe
Nirav is a writer for theatre and radio, whose radio plays have been broadcast in twelve countries. He is an internationally-renowned creative writing lecturer and pedagogue, and has published books as ‘Writing in the Raw; the myths of writing’ (2008), and more recently ‘Ten Thousand Idiots; Poetics, writing process and pedagogy of Writing for Performance based on Bakhtin’s polyphony’ (2019). Research focus: polyphony in transdisciplinary co-creative processes.

Daniela Moosmann
(BA New Dance Developments, BA Writing for Performance, MA Theatre Studies), Daniela is HKU-lecturer Writing processes and dramaturgy at BA- and MA-courses.
Research focus: contemporary playwriting processes and the use of writing strategies as research methodology in Higher Art Education. 

Ninke Overbeek
(BA Writing for Performance, BA Theatre Studies, MA Comparative Cultural Analysis), Ninke is a fiction-author and author for performance and lecturer writing for performance/ theatre.
Research focus: ficto-critical writing and connections to embodied knowledges.

Marjolijn van den Berg
(BA Writing for Performance, MA Education in Arts), Marjolijn is a lecturer in Writing as Making within Higher Art Education.
Research focus: art-writing, generative writing and experiential writing education.

Image in banner: ©️ Andrew Ridley