Logo internationale tanzmesse nrw, a circle with black and white squares containing the words internationale, tanzmesse, nrw, 2024

Open Call for internationale tanzmesse 2024

internationale tanzmesse nrw invites professional contemporary dance artists, companies, professionals and organisations to submit proposals for the Performance Programme for the edition 2024. The upcoming Tanzmesse will take place 28 – 31 August 2024 in Düsseldorf.

The Performance Programme for Tanzmesse 2024 will be selected by Co-Directors Isa Köhler and Katharina Kucher together with the Associate Curators Julia Asperska, Dan Daw, Natacha Melo and Quito Tembe. The programme shall give a broad insight into the international dance scene and present works of high artistic quality from different contexts.

As the submission form is text-based, please contact us if you need an alternative submission format due to accessibility reasons: [email protected] or +49 221 888 95 493. You can find the Open Call in Plain English here.

Criteria for the selection are the originality of movement and choreographic practice (1), relevance of topics and aesthetics (2), potential for international cooperation & invitation (3), geographic spread (4), and diversity of backgrounds (5).

In the Performance Programme, artists will present selected full-length performances on stage, in public spaces and digitally to international visitors and a public audience. This includes works aimed at intergenerational or young audiences. In the Open Studios, artists present their artistic productions through a short physical presentation and a Q&A. In an Insight, professionals give a media-based presentation to share production methods, project ideas, networks, collaborations, and other endeavours in the field of dance.

Please note that only artists, companies, individual professionals and organisations represented at an Area or Networking Island in the Agora (Exhibition Space) may hand in a proposal. There are several options to consider:

  • Book an Area: We offer Shared Areas or Single Areas medium (10 sqm) and large (16 sqm) Areas.
  • Book a Networking Island: You can book a Networking Island for one or up to three days.
  • Be represented in Area of another institution: Get in touch with an organization from your country, region or network that can invite you to submit a proposal through their Area

You can submit your proposal only online. Please make sure to set up an account if you don’t have one from previous editions. We recommend deciding for not more than one performance/project to apply for Tanzmesse.

Proposals will be accepted from June to 15 September 2023.


  • Performance

    Works submitted in the category "Performance" can be new productions, or a repertory works. Proposals for productions for intergenerational and young audiences are welcome! Please apply with the full-length version of your work. You can submit a proposal for a work that has been premiered or will premiere after the proposal deadline. If your work will premiere after the proposal deadline you might not know all details yet. Some technical questions will nevertheless be mandatory, as we must check the technical feasibility.

    a) On Stage

    The stage programme shows full-length performances on different stages in Düsseldorf and the region. Tanzmesse provides a venue, technical equipment, and technical crew to present the work in the best conditions.

    Information needed for a proposal:

    • General information about the company, choreographer, and production
    • Technical information about your needs regarding stage type and design, lighting, additional media
    • Lighting Plot
    • Video link of the production


    b) Public Space

    We are welcoming productions created for the public space (indoor and outdoor), such as e.g. city squares, parks, libraries, stations, public buildings. The works function in public places without elaborate stage design or complex technical requirements.

    Information needed for a proposal:

    • General information about the company, choreographer, and production
    • Technical information about your needs regarding size of space
    • Video link of the production


    c) Digital / Interactive

    We are looking for digital works with an interactive character. This can be works in an Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Metaverse or Online Application. A proposal for a digital production should exceed a mere streaming of a video recorded dance piece.

    Information needed for a proposal:

    • General information about the company, choreographer, and production
    • Presentation platform / needs for digital presentation
    • Video link of the production

  • Open Studio

The Open Studio presents excerpts of an artistic work and gives space for exchange with the audience. Time is limited to a 20-minute slot, which you are free to structure yourself. We recommend allowing space for audience questions after the presentation of movement material.

An Open Studio can be either a work in progress or a ready-to-tour production.

Information needed for a proposal:

  • General information about the company, choreographer, and production
  • Video link of the production, or if it is a work-in-progress an excerpt from a rehearsal or a video of a previous work.

  • Insight

Proposals for an Insight can be submitted by artists as well as individual professionals or organizations. The goal is to share outstanding project ideas, exceptional working structures or methods or good practices with international professionals. The 20-minute time slot gives rooms for a media-based presentation followed by a Q&A session.

Information needed for a proposal:

  • General information about the production or project and the artists/companies/institutions involved
  • A video link if you would like to present a production, or additional written or audio-visual information about the project.

All selected participants will get free artists registrations including admission to the Agora, to the discourse programme Talk & Connect, access to all venues, Bus Shuttle Service and remaining tickets to the Programme.

Tanzmesse will pay a performance fee for all participants selected in the category Performance or Open Studio. Please note that the selected artists/companies have to raise additional funding to cover their travel and accommodation costs.

Video Tutorials for Proposal Forms

PDF Overview of Proposal Forms

If you have any questions about the proposal process, please sign in to an Info-Zoom:

  • General Information, Booking Process & Proposal Submission

    17 July 09.00 - 10.00 h CEST Register here.
  • General Information, Booking Process & Proposal Submission

    17 July 17.00 - 18.00 h CEST Register here.
  • General Information, Booking Process & Proposal Submission

    14 August 09.00 - 10.00 h CEST Register here.
  • General Information, Booking Process & Proposal Submission

    14 August 17.00 - 18.00 h CEST Register here.
  • General Information, Booking Process & Proposal Submission

    28 August 09.00 - 10.00 h CEST Register here.
  • General Information, Booking Process & Proposal Submission

    28 August 17.00 - 18.00 h CEST Register here.
  • General Information, Booking Process & Proposal Submission

    11 September 09.00 - 10.00 h CEST Register here.
  • General Information, Booking Process & Proposal Submission

    11 September 17.00 - 18.00 h CEST Register here.


Tanzmesse website