In the framework of SHIFT, all partners are taking turns to write share-your-story newsletters through European Music Council's account with the aim of keeping you updated on the implementation of each strand of the project:

Taking the lead in climate action

July 2021 - Elia

Following the first SHIFT newsletter on environmental sustainability, the fourth one curated by ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts focuses on aspects that cultural professionals are confronted with when diving into the topic of environmental sustainability while addressing what does it mean to be a cultural leader in climate action.

Gender & Power Relations

March 2021 - IETM

Produced by IETM, the fourth newsletter focuses on Gender & Power Relations. The newsletter tackles the #METOO movement, gender inequalities and gender-based violence in the workplace, and the urgency for structural changes in the cultural and creative sectors, by providing a set of resources and tools calling for a shift in the sector’s practices. 

Cultural leadership

November 2020 - Trans Europe Halles

In this third newsletter, cultural leadership strand leader Trans Europe Halles compiles a set of useful resources that explore the concept of cultural leadership and work towards a community-oriented understanding of it which will benefit to the whole cultural sector.


September 2020 - European Choral Association

Produced by the inclusion strand leader European Choral Association, the second SHIFT newsletter explores how to actively enhance our inclusive practices by paying attention to our actions, behaviours and choices, and by questioning ourselves, principles and goals.

Environmental Sustainability

June 2020 - Elia

In the first SHIFT newsletter, environmental sustainability strand leader ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts explores best practices and successful greening efforts of cultural organisations striving for environmental sustainability.